Opportunities for Service/Community-Based Learning Dialogue and Course Development


Contributed by Patricia Spencer

As you plan for next year, please consider these two exciting opportunities to engage in community-based learning dialogue with passionate teachers/scholars. Read on for the details and then register to participate in the 4/30 Service Learning Panel and/or the May 12/13 Service Learning Institute.


Engaging in Conversations--Integration, Mentoring, and Reflection in Service Learning Courses
Thursday, April 30, 2015, 3:30 - 5:00 p.m. (Register here)
Center for Faculty Excellence, 316 Gannett Center
Co-sponsored by the Center for Faculty Excellence and the Office of Civic Engagement
Moderator: Patricia B. Spencer, Faculty Director of Service Learning
Panelists bring perspectives from:
The School of Business—Scott Erickson, Professor and Chair/Marketing and Law—SL course: Social and Non-Profit Marketing
The School of HS&HP—Amy Frith, Associate Professor/Health Promotion and Physical Education—SL course: Community Nutrition
The School of H&S—Alicia Swords, Associate Professor/Sociology—SL course: Community Organizing
The School of Music—Radio Cremata, Assistant Professor/Music Education—SL course: Music Education in Hispanic and Diverse Contexts.

In this interactive session, current IC faculty with experience in service learning pedagogy, and from a range of disciplines, will discuss effective techniques, outcomes, and lessons learned in the delivery of service learning courses, which allow students to work with a community-based individual, group, or organization in a collaboration that also benefits the community partner. Panelists will describe strategies for integrating service learning pedagogy into course design, techniques to enhance faculty mentoring of student experience, and methods for incorporating reflection in a variety of ways, including journaling, structured discussion, and post-experience analysis. This discussion session will help faculty identify ways to introduce service learning into courses that do not currently contain it as a component, and to support faculty who are already using service learning to incorporate it further into their work.

This panel will serve as a conversation starter for our up-coming Faculty Service Learning Institute.


Guiding Course Development Faculty Service Learning Institute (Register for both sessions here)
Tuesday, May 12, 2015, 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Wednesday, May 13, 2015, 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Co-sponsored by the Center for Faculty Excellence and the Office of Civic Engagement

This institute will offer a comprehensive and incentivized opportunity for 15 faculty to add service learning (SL) features to an existing course or create a new course that meets our newly adopted criteria for SL designation. Professor Emeritus, English and Media Studies, and founding director of Bentley Service-Learning Center at Bentley University, Edward Zlotkowski​ will facilitate the institute, which will include individual guidance and feedback for course development. More information about Professor Zlotkowski can be found here: https://faculty.bentley.edu/details.asp?uname=ezlotkowski.
Participating faculty will receive a $500 stipend for this curriculum development opportunity. Both early adopters and new adopters of this pedagogy are encouraged to attend. Please contact Patricia B. Spencer, Faculty Director of Service Learning, by May 4th, if you are interested in participating in this session—pspencer@ithaca.edu. Breakfast and lunch on the 12th and breakfast on the 13th will be provided.


Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Patricia Spencer at pspencer@ithaca.edu or (607) 274-3770. We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.

