If you are teaching an online course this summer it's never too early to start planning. ITS professional staff can help with Sakai, iRubric, course design, video screencast production, Turnitin, paperless grading, web conferencing, Office Online etc. In May, we are offering special drop-in hours. Bring your syllabus and content and we can help you make progress on your course.
Marilyn Dispensa is offering drop-in hours in the CET-Faculty Lab in Job 102:
Wed, May 6, 3-5 pm
Thursday, May 7, 10-12 am
Friday, May 8, 3-5 pm
Monday, May 11, 3-5 pm
Tuesday, May 12, 10-12 am
Wed, May 13, 3-5 pm
Thursday, May 14, 10-12 am
Friday, May 15, 3-5 pm.
Mary Jo Watts is offering drop-in hours at the ITS Helpdesk in Job Hall:
Monday, May 18, 9 am - 5 pm
Tuesday, May 19, 9 am - 5 pm
If these times aren't convenient, please contact the helpdesk@ithaca.edu and to set up an appointment.