Looking for LGBT-Centered Course?


Contributed by Bruce Henderson

If you got closed out of WGST 22000, Queer Studies, you may be interested in the following course, offered by Communication Studies:

CMST 38907, ST: Liberation Rhetorics, taught by Bruce Henderson (same instructor as for Queer Studies), will focus on the contributions to public discourse and social movements by five great figures in LGBTQ/Queer Liberation:  James Baldwin, Bayard Rustin (featured in the film SELMA), Audre Lorde, Harvey Milk, and Barney Frank.  The first three were also African-Americans and began their work in the 1960s Civil Rights Movement.  Milk was elected to office in San Francisco, and was assassinated while in office; Barney Frank continues his work as openly gay representative for the State of Masschussetts.  We will study fiction, p-lays, poems, memoirs, speeches, essays, demonstrations, acts of civic display, and other forms of persuasion each of these great figures contributed to the move not only for civil rights, but for human rights.


Discussion-centered.  Prerequisites:  any three humanities courses (if you do not have three, contact instructor for override).  Course meets Tuesdays and Thursdays, 2:35-3:50.  Come learn about how language and action changed history and makes new strides today!

