Performance Review Reminder
Contributed by Jane Ray
The Online Performance Review process for 2014-15 is currently available to staff. All staff members can access the self-assessment form through Employee Self-Service in Parnassus.
A few things to note:
- All performance reviews must be completed and acknowledged by Friday, July 17, 2015.
- Internet Explorer is the recommended browser for the online process.
- Step-by-step instructions, as well as other helpful resources for completing the process can be found at Employees with temporary appointments must complete the downloadable form from the website and send the hard copy to Human Resources for logging and filing.
- When you receive a Parnassus Workflow email notification stating that acknowledgement is required for your performance review, you should log into Parnassus and view the notification in your “worklist” (do not go into IC Employee Self-Service to do this). You can then open the performance review and acknowledge when appropriate.
If you have any questions, please contact Jane Ray at 274-5773.