Individual development planning identifies the employee’s development goals and the strategies for achieving them by linking them to the organization’s mission and goals. Taking responsibility for your professional development can be challenging. Let us help you get started! The Office of Human Resources would like to invite you to attend a workshop devoted to creating an Individual Development Plan. We will meet on Thursday, May 28, 2015 from 10:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. in room # 52 on the Garden Level of the Peggy Ryan Williams Center.
An Individual Development Plan is uniquely tailored to the needs of the individual and the needs of the organization. It is a personal action plan.
To learn more about Individual Development Plans, click on the following link.
To register for this workshop, visit, click "login", enter your user name and netpass ID, select browse courses. Select the workshop titled "Creating an Individual Development Plan", click Register. The course will be added to your cart. Click Complete Registration.