Wednesday, June 3, 2015, 9:00 am - 3:00 pm
Light on the Hill Retreat Center
Registration deadline: May 22, 2015. Open to all faculty and staff.
The professional career path for academic women is often a long and winding road, made better by good company and thoughtful conversation. Please join us for a retreat at the beautiful Light on the Hill Retreat Center. The purpose of the retreat is to foster a sense of community among the women professionals at IC, whether faculty members, staff professionals, or administrators. The event will begin with a breakfast, include interactive mutual learning sessions in the morning, a tasty lunch, and an afternoon session to bring it all together.
The retreat has been planned by Debbie Rifkin, Virginia Mansfield-Richardson, Christy Agnese, (all IC alumnae of the national women’s leadership program, HERS), with the assistance of Educational Affairs leaders, Bonnie Prunty and Michele Lenhart.
The day will begin with an overview by Bonnie Prunty and Danette Johnson of opportunities and challenges for women in the academy today. Our morning sessions will be:
* Managing the Demands of Work-life and Personal Life
* Leadership: Mapping and Managing Your Career to Reach Your Goals
Lunch will follow, with opportunities to talk informally, make new connections, and renew longstanding ones in the delightful setting of Light on the Hill.
The afternoon session will be:
* Communication Styles and Difficult Conversations
All sessions will have skilled facilitators.
At the end of the day, there will be an opportunity to reflect on what has been learned.
Please visit the IC Events Calendar.
Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Laurie Wasik at or (607) 274-3734. We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.