Athletic Training Faculty Members Win National Award for Published Manuscript


Contributed by Paul Geisler

Three members of the Athletic Training Education faculty in the Department of Exercise & Sport Sciences recently received word that a manuscript they published in the Journal of Athletic Training Education was chosen as the 2014 Outstanding Non Research Manuscript.

Program Director and Associate Professor, Paul R. Geisler, EdD, ATC, Clinical Associate Professor Chris Hummel, MS, ATC and Clinical Assistant Professor Sarah Piebes, MS, ATC published a "Best Practice" manuscript in the Journal of Athletic Training Education in 2014 that was recently chosen as 2014 Outstanding Non-Research-Based Manuscript. Entitled "Evaluating Evidence-Informed Clinical Reasoning Proficiency in Oral Practical Examinations", the article introduces and summarizes the live, one on one examinations that the IC AT Education program developed to assess their students' clinical reasoning, knowledge of evidence based practice and clinical skills in scenario based formats for the Assessment of Athletic Injuries courses. Dr. Geisler will receive the award in June at the upcoming National Athletic Training Association Annual Meeting and Clinical Symposium in St. Louis, MO.