Course Requisitions are Past Due


Contributed by Rick Watson

Please submit them to the Campus Store as soon as possible.

Did you know that we have an obligation to post the Textbook Information for the students to help them determine if they would like to take a course or not??  The College uses the Campus Store Website to make these listing available to the students, without your help we cannot fulfill our obligation.

The Campus Store also tries to have as many used Textbooks as possible for the incoming students in the Fall.  These used books can save the students 25% Off their textbook expense and can save the student even more if they rent them.  The earlier you submit your Course Requisitions the longer we can shop to obtain these precious used books.  Help us help your students save money!

If you need help or have any questions about submitting your Course Requisition please contact Rodney Beers at 4-3961 or