Janet Galván conducted in Orchestra Hall, Mineeapolis. Article below by David Mennicke.


Contributed by Janet Galvan

 The 10th Annual Choral Arts Finale took place on Sunday, April 19, 2015 on the campus of Concordia University, St. Paul and Orchestra HalI in Minneapolis with guest conductor/clinician Dr. Janet Galván and coordinated by Dr. David L. Mennicke.  This premier high school choral festival, co-sponsored by ACDA of Minnesota and Concordia University, St. Paul, was once again a resounding success. 

 After a greeting from Concordia University President Tom Ries, the day began with a massed choir rehearsal of the seven choirs under the inspirational direction of Dr. Galván.  Each high school group then received a 20 minute clinic with Dr. Galván, gaining insights and growing in musical depth. After supper on the Concordia campus, the groups each had a sound check on the Orchestra Hall stage, culminating with the gala concert that night.  Each choir sang its own 10 minute program and combined under Dr. Galván as a massed choir of 442 singers—the largest massed choir in the Choral Arts Finale history.  Bruce Becker, Executive Director of ACDA of MN, presented each group with an engraved plaque and a $500 award.  The Festival also paid for each group’s meal and travel expenses.  All of this is made possible by the generous support of David and Sandy Frauenshuh, supporters of the arts and Concordia University.

This year’s festival concert had the largest attendance in its history as well—over 1,000 tickets sold for the event.  Pre-concert coverage occurred on Minnesota Public Radio and KSTP-TV.  The event was also featured on the Sunday evening news broadcast of KSTP-TV.

