The Maplewood Cemetery was incorporated in 1866 and expanded the cemetery area around an older, preexisting burial area. The cemetery was active until the late 1960s early 1970s at which time it went into disuse. Lack of maintenance over forty years resulted in a deterioration of the cemetery. A newly formed board is reviving the cemetery.
To ensure that unmarked burials are not disturbed by future interments the Maplewood Cemetery board contacted Professor Rogers to assist in non-invasively mapping unmarked burials. Rogers and undergraduate physics researchers Kevin Coldren, Ryan Fedora, Addison Hebert, and Evan Van de Wall used ground-penetrating radar and magnetometry to survey the areas of the cemetery accessible to the team. Analysis of the data is ongoing and early interpretation shows several unmarked burials. The rest of the cemetery will be surveyed once it is cleared of tall grass and bushes.