Multipurpose Charcoal Optical Scanning Form


Contributed by Kathleen Weeks

Information Technology Services (ITS) would like to remind all Faculty and Administrative Assistants that the recently released Charcoal Scantron form can be used the same way as the Blue or Green Scantron form for exam processing. Course Evaluations must be done with their current form.

If a Faculty member will be requesting a Sakai Gradebook file the Instructor must have the students fill out their Netpass User Name (everything before on the Charcoal Scantron form. All reports will be identified with the Netpass User Name instead of the last name, first name.  

If a Faculty member will not be requesting the Sakai Gradebook file the Instructor can have the students fill out their last name, first initial on the Charcoal Scantron form instead of the Netpass User Name. All reports will be identified with the students name as they are on the blue and green forms.

There is a significant cost saving if you elect to use the Charcoal Scantron forms for all exams instead of the Blue Scantron forms. Please contact Susan Shutts, Warehouse Operations Manager (607) 274-3694 or Stephen Watkins, Warehouse Inventory Clerk (607) 274-3156 for pricing and purchasing information.  

Please contact the ITS Help Desk (274-1000) or Computer Operations (274-3406) if you have any questions about the use of the Charcoal Scantron form. Information is also available on the ITS Optical Scanning Services page.