The Ithaca College Gerontology Institute provides high quality education to students and professionals, empowering them to positively impact the lives of older people. Programs are free and open to the entire Ithaca College community. For more information, contact Teri Reinemann at 607-274-1607 or
Music & Memory Overview
Presenters: Robin Lombardo, CTRS, CDP, Regional Director and Kyra Schor, Community Outreach Coordinator
Monday, September 14
6:30-8:30 PM
Textor Hall, Room 102
Ithaca College
Tuesday, September 15
2:00-4:00 PM
Country Inn & Suites
1100 Danby Road, Ithaca
MUSIC & MEMORY℠ is a non-profit organization that brings personalized music into the lives of people with dementia through digital music technology, vastly improving their quality of life. The film, Alive Inside: A Story of Music and Memory, highlights the remarkable work of this organization. For more information, visit
The presentation on Monday evening is free and open to the public. Anyone who is interested is welcome to attend. No registration is required.
The presentation on Tuesday afternoon is geared toward healthcare professionals who work with people with dementia. The presentation is free, however space is limited and registration is required. To register, go to
The Music & Memory presentations are supported by An Evening to Remember: A gala to raise awareness and funds for the Alzheimer’s Association of CNY and Tompkins County.
ICGI Film Series: Maggie Growls
Thursday, October 29
7:00-9:00 PM
Textor Hall, Room 102
Ithaca College
Free and open to the public. Discussion to follow.
“MAGGIE GROWLS is a documentary film portrait by Barbara Attie and Janet Goldwater of the amazing, canny, lusty, charming and unstoppable Maggie Kuhn (1905-1995), who founded the Gray Panthers in 1970 after being forced to retire from a job she loved. Her outrage and determination fueled a political chain reaction that forever changed the lives of older Americans, repealing mandatory retirement laws and proving that "old" is not a dirty word… Maggie created one of the most potent social movements of the century - one that was committed to justice, peace and fairness to all, regardless of age.”
“Speak your mind - even if your voice shakes, for well-aimed slingshots can topple giants.” – Maggie Kuhn
ICGI Fall 2015 Workshop Series
All workshops are held from 2:00-4:30 PM at the Country Inn & Suites, 1100 Danby Road (Route 96B), Ithaca, NY.
Cost: For the general public the fee is $25 per workshop, $80 for all four, or $15 per workshop for retired individuals. Workshops are free for Ithaca College students, staff and faculty.
Register for the workshops online at
Recognizing the Value of Advance Care Planning and MOLST/eMOLST
Tuesday, September 29
Presenter: Katie Orem, MPH, Geriatrics & Palliative Care Program Manager, eMOLST Administrator, Excellus BlueCross BlueShield
Katie Orem will review advance care planning and the difference between advance directives and medical orders. She will provide an overview of the clinical process, the ethical framework, and the shared, informed medical decision-making process for making MOLST/eMOLST decisions. The value of MOLST/eMOLST will be described within a palliative care framework to improve quality and patient safety while reducing harm.
Pain Management: Ouch! Why Does That Hurt and What To Do About It
Tuesday, October 20
Presenter: Michael Costello, PT, DSc, OCS, MTC, Cayuga Medical Center
This workshop will cover the neurobiology of pain and its management. A continuum of normal to abnormal pain will be presented. Incorporating this information into the clinical decision making process for conditions such as chronic low back pain, osteoarthritis, whiplash associated disorder, fibromyalgia, and neurogenic pain will be explored. Michael Costello will focus on non-invasive pain management strategies that incorporate a bio-psycho-social approach. With greater knowledge, patients and practitioners learn to select optimal strategies to manage painful conditions.
Aging and Religion Panel
Wednesday, November 4
Rev. Tim Dean, Director of Spiritual Care, Cayuga Medical Center
Rev. Dr. Cynthia Huling Hummel, Pulpit Supply, Pastor/PCUSA
Rev. Barbara E. Blom, Pastor, St. Pauls ELCA, and Bereavement Counselor, Hospicare and Palliative Care Services
Deana Bodnar, PhD, Board Member, Namgyal Institute for Buddhist Studies
Perspectives on aging and religion will be presented as seen through daily interactions with older people in various religious settings. Coping with loss and impermanence, addressing regret and disappointment, revealing and releasing tension and fear, moving from "why me to what's next?" and finding purpose, compassion and peace, are some of the topics that will be addressed.
Meaningful Activity for Aging Gracefully
Monday, November 30
Presenter: Eleanor Leibson, OTR/L, PYT, DRS
Occupational Therapists look at the whole person, their many roles, values and challenges within particular contexts and environments to help live life to the fullest. Specializing in health and wellness and with dual certification in yoga teaching and yoga therapy, Eleanor Leibson will teach strategies for keeping active, thinking positively, eating healthy, relaxing properly, reminiscing/reflecting in the moment, breathing deeply, and finding one’s passion.
Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations for any of the ICGI programs should contact Teri Reinemann at or (607) 274-1607. We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.