On June 1st Print Services permanently eliminated the morning run and pick up of manual print requests from departments and individuals on campus. This will also include returning to the sender applicable attachments sent to prepress@ithaca.edu for printing that can be sent through WebCRD.
As of June 1, 2015, the WebCRD system became the main mechanism for all standard campus print jobs. Visit the instruction and login page for WebCRD.
Faculty, staff and students should email remaining hard copy documents from department multifunctional copiers to yourself. This will create a pdf that can then be submitted using WebCRD.
Black and white print requests will automatically begin printing when submitted, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Auto printing includes black and white print requests requiring stapling, 3 hole punching and folding on blue, green or white paper.
Most documents for printing should be created using the free Adobe Creative Suite software offered to departments.
Visit https://www.ithaca.edu/its/services/software/adobe/ for installation instructions. In-Design is an excellent tool for creating posters, booklets and Wide Format designs. Create documents at size and 300DPI.
Please contact Print Services at 4-3998 or 4-5702 with any questions about your printing jobs and/or WebCRD. We make office calls to assist in the transition to WebCRD.