Join us for an Alumni Weekend of professional development training in the Office of Career Services!
Workshop Times:
1:00 PM Making LinkedIn Work For You
Your online presence impacts your career success. Learn how to make your LinkedIn profile impressive, navigate the site and effectively use this networking tool. We'll share tips which will help you build a successful profile.
2:00 PM What’s Next in Your Job Search?
You’ve now been in your current position for the past year, two, three or ten and it’s time to make a change. How do I get started to making that Career Transition?
3:00 PM Making the Mentoring Network Work for You
Learn how to use the Mentoring Network work for you and meet some of the members in the system.
Register: Sign into ICHired by using your netpass. All students are encouraged to create a profile and register for workshops on ICHired, in order to save a seat. Once on ICHired, select “Events” on left tool bar and choose the workshop. Click “Join Event” and then you will be registered. Additionally, students who wish to receive SLI credit for this workshop must register in advance on ICHired before attending the workshop.
Please direct any questions to
Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Shelli Mekos at or (607) 274-3365. We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.