IC 3D Archaeology Visualization Laboratory conducts preliminary laser scans of the Ulysses S. Grant Cottage State Historic Site.


Contributed by Michael 'Bodhi' Rogers

 Professor Rogers and undergraduate researchers Ryan Fedora '17, Addison Hebert '16, Jeff Hejna '16, and Evan Van de Wall '16 traveled to Mt. McGregor (just north of Saratoga Springs, NY) to conduct preliminary scans of the location where President Grant finished his memoirs and passed away from throat cancer. The team completed a full scan of the exterior of the house and established a plan for scanning the interior. 

 The interior scans will be conducted summer 2016. The IC 3D team uses a Leica C-10 laser scanner to record x,y, and z data every 5 mm. The instrument spins the laser allowing for data to be recorded in all directions in about 15 minutes. An onboard camera also takes photographs, which adds color to the x,y,z data. An exterior scan requires at least 8 scan locations and interior scans use at least 2 locations per room. This ensures that the laser can see all locations (effectively removing "shadows"). The IC 3D will use the laser scan data to create an accurate 3D model of the Grant Cottage that is used for online virtual tours and the creation of dynamic historic preservation planning. 

