Ten Thousand Saints, the movie based on the novel by Associate Professor of Writing Eleanor Henderson, has been granted an extended run at Cinemapolis through September 3rd--just in time for the return of students!
Showtimes are the following:
Mon., Aug. 24th: 4:30 PM, 7:00 PM
Tue., Aug. 25th: 4:30 PM
Wed., Aug 26th: 4:30 PM, 7:00 PM
Thurs., Aug 27th: 11:20 AM (Crybaby Cinema), 4:30 PM, 7:00 PMFri., August 28th through Thurs., Sept. 3rd: 9:15 PM
Cinemapolis, Ithaca's downtown theater specializing in independent, foreign, and locally-produced films, is located at 120 East Green Street.
Ten Thousand Saints is also playing now on demand and through iTunes, xfinity, and Amazon. Read more about the movie and see the trailer here.