Salsa Dance Class! Ballroom/Swing! Fall 2015 How to Register


Contributed by Kurt Lichtmann

How to find FALL 2015 Salsa and Ballroom Classes to Register
in Schedulizer & Homerconnect - It's not obvious!

SUBJECT: Phys Activity, Leis and Safety (PALS)
INSTRUCTOR: Lichtmann, Kurt (M.M. Ed., I.C. '82)

*** Use the Course Number to find them (NOT the name) ***

Ballroom Dance (Waltz, Tango, Swing Dance, Hustle)
MON & WED 10-10:50am
Fitness Center, Aerobics Room

Salsa Dance (Salsa, Merengue, Bachata, Cha Cha Cha)
MON & WED 11-11:50am
Fitness Center, Aerobics Room
BALLROOM (& SWING DANCE), ST 19901: Swing (Jump style), Waltz, Tango, Hustle: This class is for total beginners: no previous dance experience required, and no partner needed: we will rotate partners frequently. Meet people! Our approach to dance is student friendly, entertaining and fun. We do not require between-class practice, although you would benefit from that. Leaning heavily on Lindy Hop, Charleston, and American Bronze syllabus, but with commonly taught simplifications and additional fun moves, this is a social ballroom class, not a Dancesport competition class.

We are non-judgmental instructors. We encourage questions, and give plenty of individual attention. A unique aspect of our approach is that we continually revisit specific ways that both partners can look good & feel good on the dance floor. You are DANCERS, not just leader & follower! And there is lots more to each dance style than just different steps and patterns. There is FUN, drama, expression, lyricism, and the emotional connection to both your partner and the music.
    Course Fee: $65, bursared. (Non-salaried instructor: The course fee pays the instructor's wages).
SALSA DANCE, ST 19902: Salsa, Merengue, Bachata, ChaChaCha: No previous dance experience required, and no partner needed: we will rotate partners frequently. Meet people! These Caribbean partner dances are currently the hottest, most popular club partner dances in Central New York, and possibly the world. Salsa gets the most club play, and we will spend most our class time exploring it. You can think of the class as "Club Prep," aspects of club dancing beyond actual dancing are covered. Our approach to dance is student-friendly: entertaining and fun. We do not require between-class practice (although you would benefit by it). Our goal is for you to rock out on the club dance floor, and be a sought-after, admired and fun dance partner at any Latin dance scene, both locally and anywhere.

Cuban, Dominican, New York and L.A. dance styles, both club and street, are covered in varying detail. The instructor is an aficionado of latin club and street dance - these are not Dancesport or ballroom versions of the dances.

    Course Fee: $65, bursared. (Non-salaried instructor: The course fee pays the instructor's wages).
The instructor will sign some overrides. email

"Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Kurt Lichtmann at or (607) 266-0282. We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible."