Updates Related to ICC - Fall 2015


Contributed by Tammy Sritecha

Greetings from the new Director of ICC!

Please note the following list of updates and requests related to the ICC as we move into the new year.

1. The Committee for College-wide Requirements, CCR, is requesting faculty volunteers for ICC course designation teams. Designation teams review proposals to determine whether courses meet ICC requirements. Each team has a CCR liaison and review of proposals occurs electronically, making it a flexible opportunity to participate in curriculum review. Review teams are being formed for: themes/perspectives (typically two teams with each reviewing for three themes), diversity, quantitative literacy, and writing intensive. Please email icc@ithaca.edu if you are interested in serving on an ICC course designation committee for 2015-16 and if you have a preference for a certain team. Both new and returning members are welcome to volunteer.

2. So that both faculty and students have a clear sense of when ICC course designations become effective, please remember the established deadlines for proposal submissions. Spring 2016 proposal requests must be submitted to icc@ithaca.edu no later than November 15, 2015. (Fall 2016 offerings must be submitted by April 1, 2016.)

3. All ICC proposals must be submitted on the latest proposal forms. To find the latest forms and additional guidelines please visit the new CCR website.

Thank you,
Vincent DeTuri
Associate Professor of Chemistry
Director of the Integrative Core Curriculum

