“Live every day to the fullest.” Have you heard this quote before? It’s a life motto that lots of people share; everyone wants to make the most out of each and every day. Front Row is a new student organization on campus that was founded last year by a group of four students interested in showing their classmates that adhering to this motto can lead to happiness and success.
The Ithaca College chapter of Front Row is one of the first collegiate chapters of Front Row Foundation, a national organization that provides opportunities for people with terminal illnesses to be in the front row of a sporting event with their favorite team, concert by their favorite artist, or other form of live entertainment. The focus for Front Row on campus will be more about showing students how to “live their lives in the front row.” The student organization plans to have fundraisers for the national foundation, but their main focus will be encouraging people to see every day as an opportunity to live life to the fullest. They hope to be the first of many collegiate chapters founded to share this mission.
This new student organization plans to operate in a few different ways. First, they will be having weekly meetings where members will spend time together supporting each other and discovering ways to become more comfortable living life in the front row. They also plan to identify some traditionally lesser-attended events on campus and gather groups of people to go to them. This type of adventure, involves trying something new and getting out of your comfort zone, which is a great step for many students to begin living their lives in the front row. Jon Vronan, founder of Front Row, is coming to campus on September 21 to speak about the philosophy behind Front Row Foundation. This is the student organization’s first big event, and they are hoping to reach as many students as possible! Ryan Opila ’18, one of the founding executive board members, explained that the student organization is open to students of all class years, but the message should resonate particularly well with first-year students. “This is an important philosophy for first-year students to go into college with. Sometimes it’s scary to live life in the front row because you attract attention, and in a new place, sometimes that attention isn’t wanted. Get comfortable before you attract attention. If you are living life in the front row, people will notice.” Living in the front row means something different to everybody. If you are interested in finding out more about what it means for you, visit OrgSync, Facebook, or email frontrowlifeic@gmail.com. For more information on student organizations achieving greatness please read the next issue of Club Hub: http://us2.campaign-archive1.com/?u=11c84e5ec6f26f2614200d44e&id=ea86412f25&e=ecb1866b97