Wednesday September 16 | 12:00 – 3:30pm (attend as your schedule permits)
Center for Faculty Excellence. Gannett 316
(Register here) Walk-in Welcomed
Join the event as you are able to attend. See the full agenda here.
Today support for teaching and learning is no longer the province of a single campus organization. Instead, it involves a heterogeneous cohort of campus partners, which can include academic technology, centers for teaching and learning, libraries, and the dean's and provost's offices, as well as professional and continuing education. Through presentations followed by carefully designed small-group activities, we will delve more deeply into topics such as:
*Technology-Enhanced Learning & Engagement (TELE) Collaborative: Provost’s Office (Rob Gearhart), CFE (Wade Pickren, Judith Ross-Bernstein), Library (Lis Chabot), ITS (Marilyn Dispensa, Matt Gorney, Tony Tabone, Mary Jo Watts)
Visit the IC Events Calendar.
Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Laurie Wasik at or (607) 274-3734. We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.