Effective at the end of last semester, the Center for Print Production discontinued the practice of driving around campus to pick up hard copy print requests. Instead, WebCRD is now used for all print submissions. Since that time some concerns have been raised about poor image quality on scanned to email documents by the campus.
In order to address any image quality issues, tech support of WebCRD, Xerox and Ricoh (copier vendors for the campus) recommend that the following setting be changed on your copy machines.
Most copy machines have a default setting of 200DPI. For better image quality this setting needs to be increased to 300DPI.
On Ricoh machines; select scan on the left side of the window. Select settings and then resolution. The default resolution setting will be high-lighted. Increase this setting to 300DPI if it is at 200DPI.
On Xerox machines; select email, then advanced settings, then resolution. The default resolution setting will be listed. Touch this setting to show the other resolution options. Select 300DPI and then save.
On September 2, an Intercom message regarding the importance of using the SurePDF driver to submit print requests was posted. We continue to receive jobs that print through auto-flow with substituted fonts and sizes and we have run a report and determined that the SurePDF driver was not used on these print requests. In the near future Print Services will begin charging departments for all reprints that must be done when the SurePDF driver is not utilized.
Thank you for utilizing WebCRD. During the week of August 24th, approximately 750 print requests were processed through the system.
Contact Print Services at 4-5702, 4-1262 or 4-3998 with questions.