Announcement of the Residential Life/Office of Public Safety Work Group


Contributed by Bonnie Prunty

One of the identified action steps from the recent Residential Life/ Office of Public Safety joint staff meetings was to create a ResLife/OPS work group. The charge and membership for this group is outlined below.

Residential Life/ Office of Public Safety Work Group Charge: The workgroup is charged with creating an environment where ALANA students feel safe and respected and to improve the working relationships between the Office of Residential Life and Office of Public Safety staffs. Specifically, the group will prioritize, assess the feasibility of, research and assist in the implementation of the ideas generated in the two Residential Life/Public Safety staff meetings. This group will also provide input regarding the structure of a Community Review Board and the policies and procedures related to the use of body worn cameras.

The work group will meet weekly during the fall semester, and may adjust the frequency of meetings as needed for the spring. The work group will report directly to Terri Stewart, Director of Public Safety and Bonnie Solt Prunty, Director of Residential Life. The work group will also meet periodically with the President/Provost to discuss key recommendations and decision making points. Residential Life and Public Safety are pleased to announce that the following individuals have agreed to serve on the work group. We thank them for their willingness to take on this important work. If you have other suggestions or ideas for action steps please feel free to share them with one of the representatives to this group.

Residential Life Representatives: Linda Koenig – Management Team Member and Co-chair, Darnell Thompson – Residence Director, Maggie Wetter – Community Director, Anissa Ash – Resident Assistant, Griffin Schultz – Resident Assistant, Travis Bertolino – Resident Assistant, Sam Guter – Resident Assistant

Office of Public Safety Representatives: Bill Kerry – OPS Management and Co-chair, Lance Clark – Patrol Officer, Myra Colon – Patrol Officer, Julie Bjornland – Student Auxiliary Safety Patrol, Grace Oliver – Student Auxiliary Safety Patrol.

Now that the group membership has been finalized Bill Kerry and Linda Koenig hope to convene a first meeting of the work group in the next two weeks. Thank you to everyone who volunteered to serve on the group and/or helped to generate ideas for this group to work on.