Reminder: Student Talking Circles on Race and Racism


Contributed by Michelle Rios-Dominguez

Racism is not a thing of the past. Discrimination is still a fact of life for many people of color and immigrants, especially in housing, employment and education. One way of taking the first steps in creating a community where everyone feels safe, valued and respected is by engaging in dialogue about race and racism. The Talking Circles on Race and Racism are designed to serve as a discussion tool to increase community communication about race and racism and help individuals increase their comfort level in addressing issues of racism in their own lives.

Ithaca College students are invited to participate to come together in a safe environment to share feelings, thoughts, and experiences in a sustained, confidential, frank dialogue around issues of race and racism. The Diversity Awareness Committee will initiate a Student Talking Circle facilitated by professionals from the Multicultural Resource Center. The Talking Circle will be made up of 16 racially and ethnically diverse people who will meet once a week for five consecutive sessions to self-reflect, share experiences, and learn from others’ perspectives and attitudes.

Dates and Times: The Student Talking Circle will meet on Tuesdays, 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm, October 6th, 2015 - November 3rd, 2015. DINNER WILL BE PROVIDED AT NO COST!

Location: The conference room in the Office of Human Resources, Garden Level of the Peggy Ryan Williams Center

We’re looking for a good mix of people from all races, ethnic backgrounds, cultures, and creeds. DAC will select up to 16 students from the applicants. Interested students will be able to complete an online application:

Questions: Please direct questions to Michelle Rios-Dominguez ( For more information on the Talking Circles, please visit the Multicultural Resource Center's website: