Fall in Love with Service Saturdays on October 3! Sign Ups Open Now!


Contributed by Don Austin

Service Saturdays will be happening very soon on October 3! We have an exciting group of local sites in Tompkins County that we’ll be volunteering with:

-       Brooktondale Community Center: Help prepare for its upcoming fall festival by preparing dozens of apple pies!

-       Apple Harvest Festival: Help the Downtown Ithaca Alliance with a variety of tasks to make one of the best festivals in Ithaca successful!

-       Dotson Community Park: Help clear hiking trails and begin to open a space for a natural playground, while enjoying the fall weather at the same time!


For more information on Service Saturdays and to sign up, GO HERE!

Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Don Austin at austin@ithaca.edu. We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.

