Faculty and staff are encouraged to self-nominate for service on self-study committees associated with our Middle States accreditation process. Student self-nominations will be solicited after the Spring 2016 course schedule is published so spring course schedules can be taken into account. Self-study committees will begin their work in Spring 2016 and should complete their responsibilities by the end of Spring 2017.
Brief descriptions and Spring 2016 meeting times for each of the seven self-study committees appear below. Please express interest only if you are able to attend meetings at the time listed below and note that committees will not meet every week during the semester.
1) Mission & Goals: Will address how our institutional mission defines our purpose and how our goals help us fulfill our mission.
Co-chairs: Benjamin Costello (Advancement) and Professor Lauren O’Connell (Art History)
Meets: Thursdays 2:30-3:55pm
2) Ethics & Integrity: Will address how the institution is faithful to its mission, adheres to its policies, and represents itself truthfully
Co-chairs: Susan Bassett (Athletics) and Associate Professor Barbara Morgenstern (Media Arts, Sciences and Studies)
Meets: Thursdays 9:20-10:45am
3) Design and Delivery of Student Learning Experience: Will address the rigor and coherence of student learning experiences and programs
Co-chairs: Nicole Eversley-Bradwell (Admissions) and Professor Scott Erickson (Chair of Marketing and Law)
Meets: Tuesdays 10:45am-12:10pm
4) Support of the Student Experience: Will address the effectiveness and contributions to learning of student support efforts from recruitment and admission through graduation
Co-chairs: Michele Lenhart (OSEMA: Leadership) and Professor Deborah Martin (Chair of Music Performance)
Meets: Thursdays 2:30-3:55pm
5) Educational Effectiveness Assessment: Will address assessment of student learning within the context of our mission
Co-chairs: Lis Chabot (Library) and Associate Professor Julie Dorsey (Occupational Therapy)
Meets: Mondays 2:00-4:00pm
6) Planning Resources and Institutional Improvement: Will address how planning and budgeting processes align, support institutional goals, adapt to challenges and opportunities, and link to assessing the effectiveness of programs and services
Co-chairs: Marc Israel (Asst Provost) and Professor Susan Swensen Witherup (Biology)
Meets: Wednesdays 2:00-4:00pm
7) Governance, Leadership, and Administration: Will address how we, as an educational institution, are governed and administered in ways that help to achieve our mission and goals
Co-chairs: Tim Carey (AVP Facilities) and Associate Professor Stanley Seltzer (Mathematics), selected by recommendation of Faculty Council
Meets: Tuesdays 1:05-2:30pm
Please click here to express interest in serving on one or more self-study committees. Committee members will be selected based on a mix of expressed interest and the need to represent a wide range of constituent groups on each committee. Thank you in advance for your consideration.