Contributed by Wade Pickren, PhD
Director, Sponsored Research
All faculty planning to conduct research or classroom activity involving any kind of nucleic acids or any potentially bio-hazardous material, including pathogens, biological toxins, or human cells, tissues, organs or fluids must obtain prior approval from the Institutional Biosafety Committee before undertaking that activity. This committee provides federally-mandated oversight of activities that present risk of infection or illness in humans.
Federal guidelines require that applicants possess prior experience with a particular agent or procedure, and those supervising the activity should be familiar with proper safety precautions, procedures involving storage, and disposal. A link to federal guidelines can be found on the Institutional Biosafety website –
Protocols for review must be received by Monday, October 26, 2015 by 5pm. Forms and additional information can also be found at
Biological Research:
Use of Biological Materials
Researcher Experience Form
List of Laboratory Personnel
A Course with Biomaterials:
Use of Biological Materials
Researcher Experience Form
Working with Nucleic Acids:
Registration of Experiments/Activities Involving Nucleic Acids
Researcher Experience Form
List of Laboratory Personnel
Using Pathogens or Materials that Carry a Risk of Pathogens:
Use of Potentially Infectious Agents/Materials
Researcher Experience Form
List of Laboratory Personnel
Training Requirement:
Please note that students working in labs are required to complete CITI training.
Should you wish to sign up for the Biosafety mailing list to receive information about up-coming meetings and deadlines or should you have any questions, please direct all inquiries to or call 607-274-1206.