IC Goes Purple for Domestic Violence Awareness Month


Contributed by Dawn Kline

Wednesday, October 21 in NY Go Purple Day for domestic violence awareness. Wear purple to show support!

October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month. Purple is the color used throughout the month to raise awareness about domestic violence and show support for those whose lives it has impacted. Each year the state of New York designates one day during the month as the official "Go Purple Day." People across the state are encouraged to help raise awareness about domestic violence by wearing purple, holding purple events, and/or illuminating something purple. Ithaca College will be participating by turning the Dillingham Fountains purple for the day. The goal of Go Purple Day is to raise awareness - because raising awareness is the first step towards real change. By participating individuals and groups across the state can help raise awareness, start conversations, and send the message that domestic violence will not be tolerated in our communities. To see all of the individuals and groups going purple in Tompkins County on October 21st and throughout the month follow the #gopurpletompkins. If you or someone you know has been impacted by domestic or sexual violence, the Advocacy Center is available 24/7 at 607-277-5000.

