Become a Finger Lakes Environmental Film Festival Fellow or Blogging Intern!
Drop by Park 350 to meet with Beini Chen, Assistant to the Codirectors, for more info:
Wed 10/21 3:15 p.m-5:15
Thursday 10/22 1:00p.m-2:30 and 4:00-5:00
Friday 10/23 1:00 pm-4:00
Wed 10/28 3:15 p.m-5:15
Thurs 10/29 11:00am-12:00, 1:00p.m-2:30 and 4:00-5:00
Friday 10/30 1:00 pm-4:00
Applications for FLEFF blogging internships (which is a three credit seminar 300 level seminar) are due Friday October 30. Sophomore, junior, or senior standing only, preferably with prior FLEFF fellows course or FLEFF mini courses.
If you want to be a fellow, just sign up for the one credit mini course under GCOM.