Are you advising a talented student pursuing a STEM major or working with a motivated student who has an interest in a STEM career or field leading to professional licensure?
Please direct the student to apply for participation in the competitive Collegiate Science and Technology Entry Program (CSTEP).
CSTEP is an academic support services program that provides academic enrichment and research experience in STEM content areas, to include but not limited to:
Graduate school preparation
Clinical and field experiences
Student teaching
and more…
Here are the CSTEP application and eligibility guidelines. For questions about CSTEP or its affiliate program, the Careers in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (C-STEM) Program, contact the CSTEP coordinator Tiffany Valentin ‘12 or 607-274-7755.
CSTEP is located in Rothschild Place, located next to the Park School of Communications.