Need a course for your identities or mind, body, spirit theme?
Now available this winter session is a 10-day 3 credit online course entitled Human Sexuality. Students are able to take from a location of their choice. This course is a social science perspective with the Themes: Identities and Mind, Body, Spirit. Human Sexuality also counts toward the Women's and Gender Studies minor and Health minor.
Register now through Homerconnect under Health, specifically HLTH 22800, CRN: 30012.
Information on IC Winter Sessions can be found at
In this course, students will embark on a 10-day sex positive, genderful, and comprehensive experience that will expose participants to new ways of thinking about sex. We will explore practical and sensitive topics affecting college students through a harm reduction approach. Topics include perspectives on sexuality, sexual anatomy and arousal, sexual assault, gender and sexual identity, healthy relationships, paraphilias, pregnancy, STI's and contraception. The overarching goal of this course is to develop awareness and skills needed to navigate and promote enjoyable and safe sexual experiences as they pertain to health and wellness.
For more information, email