Contribute to the Student Bill of Rights


Contributed by Dominick Recckio

Make your voice heard in drafting the Student Bill of Rights with Student Body President Dominick Recckio.

     Good afternoon,


  I have released our first draft of the student bill of rights. Below I have included the link to the living document that is the draft. As I have expressed before, this draft is not set in stone, and not a demand from the student body. It is instead, a document that can grow throughout the year, and our vision is that it will be a reworking and reimagining of the current conduct code section on rights and responsibilities. I am fully aware that each point within this bill must have much discussion from every stakeholder group, and that there are things to add/subtract over time. I assure you that I will be putting in that work. I have created this document with consultation from various student groups 

I invite each and every one of you, and anyone within our community to express their thoughts in the comments on google docs (on any specific section, word, etc. that you would like). I will take each one into consideration. 

If for any reason you are not comfortable sharing thoughts on the google doc, please feel free to reach out to me at any time on any issues/comments/concerns/questions with this document or any other campus issues needing a student voice. I am willing to meet in person with any and every member of the community looking to talk about this bill of rights draft. 

  Here is the link to the draft of the Student Bill of Rights.  Please contribute thoughtfully and in a constructive manner. SGA is ultimately committed to transparency.  

Please forward this on to anyone that you see fit.

Carpe diem,

Dominick Recckio

IC Student Body President