Claire Gleitman (English) Presents at NYC Conference on Arthur Miller


Contributed by Dan Breen

On Saturday October 17, Claire Gleitman, Professor of English, presented a paper in New York City during the Twelfth International Arthur Miller Conference.  The conference was hosted by St. Francis College, and sponsored by the Arthur Miller Society.

Professor Gleitman's paper was entitled "'The guy ain't right': Delimiting Masculinity in Arthur Miller's A View from the Bridge."  The lecture is part of a series of studies Professor Gleitman has presented recently on the vexed question of postwar masculinity in Miller's plays.  Her article "Saint-Mamas, Strudel, and The Single Man in Arthur Miller's Death of A Salesman," was published in the Arthur Miller Journal earlier this year, and she is at work on a longer project that examines the versions of masculinity that emerge in Miller's writing for both the stage and the screen as broadly symptomatic of a social and political crisis of gender identity that was itself a product of the changing labor market of the late 1940s and 1950s.

In addition, Professor Gleitman directed the On the Verge staged reading of Miller's All My Sons, which was also featured at the conference.