How to be Professional When Eating, Greeting and Tweeting - A Workshop in Career Services


Contributed by Shelli Mekos

Communicating with others - peers, faculty and staff, supervisors and colleagues at internships or jobs, or the general public - is something you do every day, so make sure you're doing it professionally. The impressions you make on people can have tremendous impacts on your ability to be successful in the working world. Come to this workshop to learn everything from e-mail and cell phone etiquette, to dining and meeting expectations, to what you should wear in various settings.

Date: Thursday, December 3

Time: 4:00 PM

Location: Career Services

Register: Sign in to ICHired by using your netpass. All students are encouraged to create a profile and register for workshops on ICHired, in order to save a seat. Once on ICHired, select "Events" on left tool bar and choose the workshop. Click "Join Event" and then you will be registered. Additionally, students who wish to receive SLI credit for this workshop must register in advance on ICHired before attending the workshop.

Please direct any questions to

Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Shelli Mekos at or (607) 274-3365. We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.