Congratulations To Our 2015 Employee Benefits & Work/Life Fair Raffle Winners


Contributed by Julie Tinkham

Thanks to all who came out to the Annual Ithaca College Employee Benefits & Work/Life Fair.

We had a great time and enjoyed seeing everyone. The following is a list of our lucky raffle winners! If you haven't already, you can pick up your prize in the Office of Human Resources in PRW Garden Level between 9am and 4:30pm. Bring you College ID to claim your prize.


Sergio Pedro- HR Raffle Winner

Enoch Perkins-HR Raffle Winner

Monica Arambulo, Sam Lapp, Mark Warfle, Hongwei Guan-Aetna Raffle Winners

Christine Haase-Cayuga Center for Healthy Living Raffle Winner

Nancy Oliver-Delta Dental Raffle Winner

Doreen Hettich-Atkins- Dept. of Health Raffle Winner

Luca Maurer-Emeriti Raffle Winner

Michael Egburtson-IC EHS Raffle Winner

Lee Adams-Finger Lakes Independence Center Raffle Winner

Beth O'Neil-Staples Raffle Winner

Emily Hess-IC-Energy Mngmt & Sustainability Raffle Winner

Jessica Lemore-The Hartford Raffle Winner

Gary Bartolis, Richard Bradford-TIAA-CREF Raffle Winners

Toni Clark-WW@W Raffle Winner

Kim Wojtanik, Jeff Long, Christy Agnese, Sean Kanazawich-Davis Vision Raffle Winners

Thanks again to all who came out we look forward to seeing you next year.

Don't Forget- Re-enrollment begins Monday November 9, 2015. If you need assistance we are here to help. Check out our drop in hours.