Michael Buck named to serve as next Ithaca Seminar Coordinator


Contributed by Danette Johnson

Provost Benjamin Rifkin announced today that Michael Buck, Clinical Associate Professor in Physical Therapy, will serve a three-year term as Ithaca Seminar Coordinator. Dr. Buck was selected as a result of the September call for faculty interested in serving as Ithaca Seminar Coordinator and interviewing with Director of the ICC Vince DeTuri and the Vice Provost for Academic Programs Danette Johnson.


Buck’s experience as an Ithaca Seminar instructor, member of the Ithaca Seminar Steering Committee, and member of the Committee on College-wide Requirements will be valuable assets in his new role of providing leadership to the Ithaca Seminar program. He will work this year with Shaianne Osterreich on transitioning Ithaca Seminar leadership and begin his term on August 15, 2016.


