To what extent can lessons from past black political strategies and successful institutional arrangements help us understand and approach more effectively 21st century struggles for social justice, and racial, economic and political equality?
This is one of the key questions addressed in a NEW SEMINAR on African American Politics and Political Thought (43170 - POLT 40200 - 01) offered on Thursdays, 4pm - 6:30pm.
This seminar explores the main bases (ideas/thought) and substance of politics among black Americans and the relation of black politics to the broader American political order. The seminar has two objectives: 1) we will explore the thrust and logic of the strategic political discourse of black Americans in the late 19th century and through the early 21st century.&
nbsp; And, 2) we will explore a) the pertinent issues and social relations since 1865 as a way of helping to make sense of the present, and b) to develop criteria for evaluating political scientists’ and others’ claims regarding the status and characteristics of black American political activity. The course concentrates on the period from Emancipation to the present.
PREREQUISITES: Three courses in the social sciences, 1-4 credits; or permission of instructor
Course can also satisfy a 300 level requirement. AP/PT, Social Sciences/Liberal Arts
For more information about this seminar, please contact: Carlos Figueroa, Ph.D., Muller 319, Ext. 4-7483, or via email:
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