2 Pathways Crisis Intervention/Suicide Prevention Trainings for Students (12/2 Wed 9:30-10:30 AM and 12/8 Tues 3:30-4:30 PM)


Contributed by Paul Mikowski

All students are welcome to attend a Pathways training to learn to identify and respond to a person who might be experiencing distress. We appreciate your willingness to learn crisis response skills before you need them.

The next student  Pathways trainings are scheduled:

12/2 Wed 9:30-10:30 AM Ithaca Falls room (2nd floor Campus Center)


12/8 Tues 3:30-4:30 PM Ithaca Falls room (2nd floor Campus Center)

Feel free to attend with a friend.  Please contact Paul Mikowski (pmikowski@ithaca.edu) for any questions

Training sessions are available for organizations; please inquire for more information.

Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations are asked to contact Counseling and Psychological Services at 607-274-3136 as early as possible. 

