As of today, all students, staff, and faculty of Ithaca College have unlimited access to, an online video training resource. Through our lyndaCampus agreement, our campus has access to over 4,000 video courses, covering a wide range of topics from Accounting to Web Development. With courses for all skill levels, practice environments, exercise files, and on-the-go learning from your laptop, tablet, and mobile device, lynda provides something for everyone. This is a huge advancement in our ability to provide self-paced, just-in-time learning to our community and to enrich teaching and learning here at Ithaca College.
There are many features and benefits that lynda has to offer, including:
Our lyndaCampus agreement provides access to all staff, faculty, and students, so there is no need for individuals or groups to purchase separate accounts with lynda. There may be individuals and groups across campus that currently have an account with lynda. We can work with individuals to convert their accounts to our new campus membership while maintaining their existing course history and playlists. These existing accounts are eligible for a prorated refund.
For more information and to request an account refund, visit our site at: