Online Submission Open for James J. Whalen Academic Symposium – A Symposium of Research, Scholarship, and Creative Work


Contributed by Cathy Wood

The online submission process for faculty sponsors to submit student presentations for the 19th Annual James J. Whalen Symposium was opened on Tuesday, December 1, 2015.

Students: Interested in participating?

Contact your faculty collaborator to discuss the proposal submission process.

* Develop your presentation skills.

* Include your presentation on your resume and graduate application.

* Win a gift certificate to the Ithaca College Bookstore if yours is an award-winning presentation.

Faculty: Go to the online submission form.

Submit your student's presentation, performance, creative display, or poster presentation. (You may submit multiple students' work.)

Once the form(s) is/are submitted, you and your student(s) will receive an e-mail detailing next steps.

The Symposium will take place on Thursday, April 14, 2016. It is the premier academic event at Ithaca College and features student presentations on research and creative works that are developed in collaboration with faculty.

If you wish to receive announcements via email, please contact and ask to be added to the James J. Whalen Academic Symposium email list.

Please contact Cathy Wood at 274-3113 or should you have any questions.

Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Cathy Wood at We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.