The members of the Diversity Awareness Committee (DAC) invite you to attend our monthly meeting, on Tuesday, December 8th from 12:00 to 1:00 p.m., in the Human Resources Conference Room, Garden Level of the Peggy Ryan Williams Center, and participate in a facilitate discussion on supporting transgender and gender nonconforming students. Luca Maurer, LGBT Education, Outreach & Services Program Director, DAC Member will facilitate this meeting entitled “Pronouns and Forms and Policies – oh my! Addressing the needs of transgender and gender nonconforming students”.
Although conversations about gender identity and gender expression are becoming increasingly common in the popular media and everyday life, these terms may still be confusing. In this meeting, Luca will facilitate a discussion that will cover:
• Changing student needs in a changing society
• All the details – pronouns, terms, names
• Having conversations with sensitivity, cultural awareness, intentionality
• Approaches, forms, policies, services
• What to do when you don’t know what to do, tips and resources
If you would like to join us, please rsvp by emailing For your convenience, I have included the 2015-2016 meeting schedule below. We invite you to consider joining us to strengthen community through dialogue and education. We are looking forward to seeing you at a meeting!
The Diversity Awareness Committee
Malinda Smith, Michelle Rios-Dominguez, Bhavani Arabandi, Don Austin, Jean Celeste-Astorina, David Dray, Lynn Gitlow, RahK Lash, Evan Layne ‘16, Luca Maurer, Randy DeVett-McKeon, Wade Pickren, Maura Stephens, Darnell Thompson, Emily Quinn ‘16, Maggie Wetter, Megan Williams
2015-2016 DAC Meeting Schedule
12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Cayuga Lake Meeting Room
Spring 2016
Tuesday, January 26th
Tuesday, February 9th
Tuesday, March 8th
Tuesday, April 12th
Tuesday, May 10th
Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Michelle Rios-Dominguez at or (607) 274-1506. We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.
Fragrances - In order to avoid allergic and other reactions caused by perfumes and colognes, please refrain from using any lotions, deodorants and hair products that contain fragrances until after the meeting. This will be greatly appreciated to help make this environment more inclusive.