Dr. Donathan Brown Invited Speaker at Hadassah Academic College in Jerusalem


Contributed by Laurie Arliss

Donathan Brown, Department of Communication Studies (H&S) is slated to speak with students and faculty, via WebEx, at Hadassah Academic College in Jerusalem.  The event will pertain to race and ethnicity in American politics, one of Dr. Brown's areas of expertise. Lasting ninety minutes, the lecture/seminar is designed to allow participants to ask questions and interact with the expert, in this case Dr. Brown.

The virtual lecture will cover three current topics: (1) immigration as it relates to both Latinos and Syrians; (2) police brutality pertaining to the killings of unarmed African Americans; (3) the racial and rhetorical variances pertaining to gun violence and mass shootings. 

Dr. Brown is a former H&S diversity fellow and now coordinates the Culture and Communication major.

