SGA Meeting 11/30/15 Minutes


Contributed by Dominick Recckio

Get a closer look at SGA! Here are the minutes from our meeting in Emerson Suites on Monday, November 30th! 




Ithaca College Student Government Association

Senate Meeting Agenda

Monday, November 30, 2015 7:30pm – Emerson Suites




I.                              Call to Order.


II.                           Roll Call:



Left Early:


III.                        Approval of the minutes: Matilda

Second: Joseph



IV.                      Guest Speakers

A.       Dominick Recckio (No Confidence Vote)

Ø  A historic moment for Ithaca college and Ithaca College SGA

Ø  Biggest and most important meeting.

Ø  Presenting results of the student vote of no confidence

Ø  Lasted 26 days November 4th-November 30th 2015

Ø  3,756 total students voted

Ø  6,907 students who were polled

Ø  71.75% of respondents have no confidence in President Rochon

Ø  ALANA breakdown 86.83%

Ø  78.55% Females have no confidence

Ø  81.58% of H&S students have no confidence

Ø  African American Students 93.42%

Ø  Latin 83.82%


Ø  Value Sessions: start tomorrow in Williams 302

ü  They will asses what students value in a leader

ü  And what they value in a College President

Ø  Looking for equitable governance


10 Minutes of Questions and Answers:

ü  Now What?

ü  Dom: On Wed. at 4:30 the executive board will be meeting with board of trustees and will be asking them what comes next. Rochon mentioned in an interview that he was wondering what the threshold would be to resign. I hope that he will considering resigning and we can convince the board of trustees to get him out.

ü  What is the faculty doing?

ü  Dom: They decided to do a vote and that started today and will end in mid- December.

ü  Does this have any weight or is it symbolic?

ü  Dom: I think it holds a huge weight. You pay for your tuition.

ü  Luke: How does the percentage of respondents compare to the campus climate survey?

ü  Dom: I do not have the number on me, however this blows everything out of the water.

ü  If in the future, Tom Rochon is booted, and we go on the search for a new college president, will there be a student voice in that decision and how

ü  Dom: There was not a student voice when Rochon was chosen, he came in as a last minute candidate. SGA will hold the Board of Trustees who hires the president as accountable as possible. Which is why our value sessions are very important, because we will know what we want in a president.

ü  Do you know anything about how the board of trustees feels about this

ü  Dom: We have limited talk with the board. This will be the first time we will be able to meet with the board. I would hope with their business acumen they can understand this is a significant piece of information.

ü  If this is a longer process, how do you think that we will be able to keep this mission strong/ what do you think the time line for this process will look like?

ü  Dom: One thing I see in SGA now, is that it is a young student government, one of the things when I ran was to put a sustainable leadership program in place. Our senators are a younger bunch of senators as well, I think that there is enough people involved in SGA now that are young, that would be able to work with it. I think the time line of the process would be Winter Break, the board will have to get together and make a decision. I don’t think they can wait that long. When break happens they will have plenty of time to think about that. I would hope by January.


Motion to extend discussion 5 minutes: Eli

Second: Charlotte


ü  Charles: Do you feel enough students were aware of the vote, and participated?

ü  Dom: This is an overwhelmingly statistically significant number, we captured a large amount percentage of the student population that voted. 2,186 students responded to the campus climate survey, I just got that information. This was covered by the press for weeks. Students had a lot of opportunity to become knowledgeable about this. I personally think we covered the bases.

ü  Eli: You bring the numbers to the trustees, what is plan b?

ü  Dom: We do it again, and again, students can continue to say their knowledge. I think students would transfer if things didn’t change. It is so far in the boards duty to do something about this. I think the faculty vote will help. 

ü  Eli: If the vote doesn’t work, are you going for a different route?

ü  Dom: I don’t think students would come here. But to your point, lobbying the board of trustees is something that could be done.

ü  Will the meeting be open to the public, and if not will notes be posted?

ü  Dom: It will not be open to the pubic, only the SGA Executive Board, I haven’t gotten an agenda for that meeting, but I will let them know during the meeting that I will have to let constituents know, I will take notes and post them


Motion to extend discussion by 10 minutes: Ezeka

Second: Jonathan


ü  Jonathan Gould: if they say we see a minority of people saying no confidence, I think we need to put a serious effort in what else can be done.

ü  Dom: if we have a minority of students voting confidence is that who we want to focus on. The ALANA students is the minority of population we need to focus on. They need to be more transparent so discussions can be had.

ü  Say he steps down, what does that look like in the in between stages?

ü  Dom: Someone will take over, on campus’ it is provost. Our provost is new, there are other senior levels of administration with advanced degrees that could also be put on the list. I would sincerely hope that they will involve students in the process of choosing that interim.

ü  Matilda: This college is run like a business, not only will customers go down, alumni will not donate to this college, while Rochon is still in power and I as alumni, will not donate. If this college wanted to run like a business, it will have to listen to its customers.

ü  Carlie: This isn’t going to end at the end of the semester, it is going to keep going, so if you want to run for a senator position at the end of a semester, you should run because we are going to need you to keep going forward.


Motion to open new business: Charlotte

Second: Jonathan


V.                         New Business

A.       Student Bill of Rights (Recckio)

Ø  Student Bill of Rights and responsibilities will be an amendment to the SGA constitution.

Ø  SGA does not act to enforce the policies, but instead work towards them.

Ø  There are many pieces of this bill that are in place, we have decided to put those things into writing as we do not take them for granted.

Ø  A council of students to continue work for this document coming forward.

Ø  If you are interested you can email if you want to be part of the council.

Ø  Blue Sections are from the student conduct code

Ø  Green Sections are added responsibilities

Ø  Black sections have been brought up during the process of reimagining.

Ø  Matilda: First section:

¨         Students have the right to individual dignity and respect.

¨         We added students have the right to give feedback on student services.

¨         Students have the right to have their religious holiday calendars recognized by the school.

Ø  Kyle James: Shared governance

¨         Students have a right for voting representation on all policies

¨         Have a right to submit changes to SGA 

¨         Students have a right to be a part of the process of amending

Ø  Financial information, students have the right to see the college’s budget

Ø  We will move forward by providing more transparency with all of our funding.

Ø  Will post all of our bills and minutes for the community to hear

Ø  Kaitlin:

¨         Students have the right to be involved in discussions and decisions of infrastructures

¨         Right to provide cycling and compost bins on campus

¨         Students have the right to resources to help them engage in community service

Ø  Kyle:

¨         Have the right to challenge academic quality

¨         Pursue liberal arts academic education

¨         Have the right to intellectual property

Ø  Marieme:

¨         Students have the right to feel safe and be safe

¨         Have a safe and non violent protest

¨         We are reworking safe

¨         Safe protest

¨         Students have the right to not be physically attacked by other students

¨         Periodic assessments of the college climate.

Ø  Evan:

¨         Students have the right to create and participate in organizations that are recognized by the college

¨         Organizations have the right for to invite anyone to speak on campus

¨         They can receive funding from SGA

Ø  Dom:

¨         Council of student rights and responsibilities will asses

¨         Students have the right to not be deceived

¨         Students have the right to a hearing on campus

¨         The jurisdiction college has over students



Moving to Question and Answer:

Q: Ezeka: Invite anyone to the college no matter their opinions, what if it conflicts with other parts of the bill relating to race/ gender/ sexuality? I was wondering the clarification.

A: Dom: Spirit behind that, is that it is a great chance for free speech on two sides. Information to be presented on both sides. Students to be given more rounded opinions. This keeps us from funding someone who believes something different than us.

Q: Matilda: At what point does free speech turn into slurs?

A: Dom: This is a huge task for the council that will be discussing it, is to really dive into it.

A: Kyle: We have a spot in the bill of rights for that. Speakers have the right to free speech, we have a council who will review that.


Moving into discussion:

¨         Kaitlin: People can still make comments on google docs. It will be up on google docs throughout.

Motion to move to voting: Joseph

Second: Charlotte 

****Will need a 2/3 vote from the Senate. ***

ü  Amendment is passed


B.       Shared Governance (James)

Ø  Faculty, staff, students and administration all get involved in making decisions.

Ø  We were approached by several parties in looking to reassess the governance in Ithaca college.

Ø  Looked at other models across the country. 

Ø  We evaluated 5 out of 6 colleges on the list, we have other colleges who did not have that.

Ø  This bill will be posted online

Ø  We looked at international models of student governance

Ø  Talked to other colleges about governance and what it meant there.

Ø  Created a draft and put it together at our most recent SGA meeting.

Ø  IC is a unique chance to be a leader in this.

Ø  This new governance model would have 5 students, 5 faculty members, 5 staff, and 5 administrators.

Ø  This bill will be posted on intercom and SGA’s Facebook and Twitter, as a google doc and there can be changes made to it.

Ø  This a draft.

Ø  We want this to pass through SGA as a model.

Ø  College council can only meet through the academic year.

Ø  They have to have 3 out of the 5 members of each constituency to vote.

Ø  Meetings would be open up to the public.

Ø  They would receive recommendations from an email address.

Ø  Anyone can email with ideas to be heard.

Ø  They will hear the ideas and decide on an appropriate action.

Ø  President has to approve or veto all of the committee’s decisions.

Ø  They an amend by a 2/3 vote.

Ø  Next steps: make it available to the college community, so they can amend it.


Moving to 5 minutes of questions


Q: Matilda: What is the accountability structure for charges not completed on time?

A: Council has responsibility to enforce charges. Everything will be public and out in the open. Everyone will know about it.


Moving to 5 minutes of discussion


Ø  Dom: So this will not only be going to our meeting on Wednesday, but it will also be going to a group that is being created by the provost, with students, faculty and staff.

Ø  Eli: I think there needs to be a emphasis on the connect on the vote that took place and having an shared governance. Emphasis isn’t put on this the way that it is put on the statistics that were presented in the beginning of the meeting. I think that needs to be emphasized more.

Ø  Carlie: I think I want to point out the reason there isn’t questions or discussion, there are people in the audience that don’t know we went through this last week, Kyle put a lot of work into it and we’ve talked a lot about it already. A lot of us believe in it.

Motion to move to voting: Seandre

Second: Charles

ü  Bill is passed.


Motion to open continuing Business:  Luke

Second:  Charles



VI.                      Continuing Business

Ø  LQBT Studies Bill (James)

Ø  Committee meeting time will be before this semester ends.

Ø  FASFA Bill (Allen)

Ø  We have moved forward with it and have a space, we are waiting back from the director of financial aid.

Ø  Making progress, have a space, Clark Lounge.

Ø  SOTSA Bill (Stewart)

Ø  We have the results; we will film that within this week. 

Ø  In addition to the regular state of student address we will bring up update videos.

Ø  To make it a true state of student address.

Ø  Committee Representation Bill (James)

Ø  Have been getting new committees.

Ø  No Confidence Bill (Recckio)

Ø  Course Evaluations (James)

Ø  No update.

Ø  Committee Representation (James)

Ø  No update.

Motion to close continuing business: Seandre

Second: Ezeka


Officer Reports:



Ø  What we saw tonight was amazing.

Ø  There were so many people, that came out today.

Ø  E-board members, I have sent multiple emails asking you to put together a presentation for members of OSEMA.

Ø  Make sure you take that seriously.

Ø  I think what we need to do is improve that relationship

Ø  As a senator, you can stop by my office.

Ø  We will hopefully be doing an initiative with SGA to change our office around.

Ø  Thank you everyone for being here.


Kyle Stewart:

Ø  Value Sessions start tomorrow

Ø  They are every Tuesday during noon hours

Ø  For each senator going abroad or leaving next semester, find a replacement for yourself.

Ø  Anyone who is interested go on our website, my email is there

Ø  We will have the bill of rights and shared governance for people to comment and look on.



ü  Should have gotten an email about signing up for service Saturday.

ü  If you are interested in being a big sister or big brother let me know.

ü  Look forward to an event with them next semester


Kyle James:

Ø  No update.



Ø  November 17th’s allocations.



Ø  We will have open seats next semester since we will have senators leaving and studying abroad.

Ø  Contact me or Kyle Stewart about that.

Ø  Any bills, come to me.

Ø  We are considering throwing something to bring you all together.




Ø  Will be meeting with two board members.

Ø  Nobody will be having meetings with the board of trustees with everyone, just two members.


Ø  We are electing new people to our E-board, we have a lot of people going abroad.

Ø  Tomorrow we will have elections for that.

Ø  Keep your eyes out for things going on in residence halls.



Ø  Alumni board had its own emergency meting.

Ø  We plan on having two more calls.

Ø  I will not be here next semester, I need someone from SGA to write the monthly management reports, if you are interested in that let me know.


Motion to close officer reports: TJ

Second: Charlotte


Open Agenda:

Ø  Ezeka: Follow up, we are still waiting for her to email us back, I put urgent in it, in Clark Lounge, it is a smaller event, will be open to anyone who wants to come.

Ø  TJ: On that graphic you had displayed behind you, was the 2,695 the number of people who voted no confidence.

Ø  Dom: That is 39% of student body.


Motion to close open agenda: Kaitlin


Call for acclamation


Meeting Adjourned


End Time: 8:52