
Contributed by Natalie Dionne

 Calling all seniors to get involved in the community and GIVE BACK to Ithaca by volunteering! If you haven't heard about Give Back Committee, read below for a quick description. 


 What is Give Back? Give Back is dedicated to helping the members of the Senior Class get involved in volunteer projects on Ithaca's campus and throughout the greater Ithaca community. Our goal is to have the Senior Class complete a total of 2,016 hours of service before graduation, that's just 2 hours per person!

How do I volunteer? Anything from serving food at Loaves & Fishes to giving blood at a Red Cross Drive can count toward our goal. Any ongoing volunteer projects you take part in also count. Check back on the Give Back tab on the senior class website ( every week for new volunteer opportunities in the Ithaca area.
How do I record my hours? Make sure to log any volunteer experiences you have with your name, Ithaca email, the service organization, and the amount of hours you completed at this link: Make sure to encourage Senior friends to submit their hours, too!