The Center for Faculty Excellence is pleased to announce a call for proposals for its Faculty-in-Residence program in the academic year, 2016-2017. The program will bring together faculty members who have proposed a program of study, reflection, planning, and action related to some aspect of faculty excellence and development. Successful proposals will link faculty interests to Ithaca College initiatives and have a potential impact beyond the faculty member’s own discipline or department.
Proposals are especially welcome that address mentoring, inclusive and global learning, scholarship of teaching and learning (SOTL), diversity, undergraduate scholarship, research, and creative inquiry, interdisciplinarity, mindful teaching and learning, and digital humanities. Each Resident will work on a proposed project and meet regularly with the other Residents and CFE Director for discussion, planning, and collaboration. The Residents program is grounded in a distributed leadership model.
Duration of residency is one academic year. Residents will receive one course release per semester. The Faculty-in-Residence program is open to all tenured faculty, as well as long-term NTEN faculty members.
Please submit a 1-2 page proposal by December 18, 2015 that describes the project and how it links to IC initiatives. Please include a tentative plan for proposal development and implementation for the academic year, 2016-2017, to Dr. Wade Pickren, Director, Center for Faculty Excellence. Final plan for implementation will be decided jointly by the Director and the Resident. For more information or to discuss your ideas about a residency, please feel free to contact Wade at
All proposals must be signed by faculty member, department chair, and School Dean.
Please submit electronically to