All students are invited to register for TVR 320: Topics in Media Technology: The Seduction and Surveillance of New Media; TVR 32000-1, CRN 30039, which counts for your ICC Writing Intensive requirement.
TVR 320 focusses on how the seduction of new media (mobile, social, web, etc.) has led to some unanticipated outcomes that affect our personal life experience in both utopic and dystopic ways, and how this widespread use has led to the transformation of privacy and the most comprehensive surveillance state that has ever existed. Yet, we are also able to use these new media tools to collaborate and communicate in remarkably positive ways never before possible. Course topics include privacy, surveillance, community, collaboration, changing notions of time, the utility of new media, copyright, governance, and other related topics.
Course work: discussing thought-provoking critical questions in the online forum along with a mix of writing assignments.
All majors and levels are welcome to enroll in the Winter Session section of this course, students outside of the TVR and Emerging Media majors should use the normal corse request process. The course will count for the ICC WI requirement for all students, and will also count as a core class for TVR and Emerging Media majors.
Contact Dr. Rosen at with any questions regarding course content or override information.