The Ithaca College Student Government Association will be hosting Elect Her – Campus Women Win on February 21, 2016. The American Association of University Women as well as an organization called Running Start sponsors this program to encourage young women to run for student government on their campuses.
This program is a 4.5 hour workshop and hopes to encourage leadership development but also to motivate young women to enter careers in politics in the future. Specifically, we are looking for enthusiastic individuals who are looking to develop their leadership further on campus. To see highlights of past programs, visit our website at
Elect Her will be held on Sunday, February 21, 2016 from 10:30am-3:00pm in Klingenstein Lounge, Campus Center. Participants must preregister to attend by completing this form via OrgSync: Lunch and all program materials will be provided to participants at no cost. Registration is first-come, first-served and is limited to 50 students. Registration is currently open, and will close once capacity reaches 50 participants, or until Monday, February 1, 2016. This conference will qualify for SLI credit.
Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Garrett Downing at or (607) 274-3222. We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.