Please mark your calendars for the All College Meeting that will be held Thursday, January 21, from 9:00 to 11:45a.m. in the Emerson Suites of the Campus Center.
Meeting details will be forthcoming. Arrive as early as 8:30am for a coffee break and the opportunity to catch up with colleagues or conduct inter-office business. The meeting and livestream will begin at 9:00am.
Within the constraints of time and a very large room, we seek to create the opportunity for dialog in these meetings. To best facilitate any questions, faculty and staff are invited to submit questions in writing via the designated box located near the entry to the Emerson Suites. There will also be an opportunity for oral questions.
The event will be streamed online for those who cannot physically attend the meeting. The url is; log in with your Netpass credentials.
Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations (including sign language interpreting) should contact the Office of the President at 274-3111 or 274-1767 (TDD).
Supervisors of employees without e-mail or computer access, please post this message where those employees can read it, and make the opportunity to attend available to all employees.