In preparation for the exhibition, NO/GOOD PLACE (March 23-April 22, 2016), the gallery is beginning recruitment this for community participants to take part in an international project called The Complaints Choir, by artists Tellervo Kalleinen and Oliver Kochta-Kalleinen.
This social-practice artwork calls for the formation of an amateur community choir to work with a local composer and conductor to rehearse and perform a choral song with lyrics comprised of locally crowd-sourced complaints. The project is both critically engaged and politically revolutionary, but it is also infused with humor, tenderness, and empathy. The Complaints Choir creates a patriotic and democratic shape for the ownership, sharing, and accountability of grievances.
The compendium of international Complaints Choirs can be watched, to great enjoyment, on YouTube—with participating communities from Tokyo, St. Petersburg, Chicago, Singapore, and beyond. For more information on how to get involved, email us at Students, faulty, staff, and Ithaca community members are all invited-- inexperienced singers welcome!
Complaints Choir of Birmingham
Complaints Choir of St. Petersburg
Complaints Choir of Cairo: Part I Part II
Complaints Choir of Philadelphia