Seats Still Available in ICC Themes and Perspectives Courses!


Contributed by Dan Breen

The IC Department of English still has a few seats available in the following sections of these ICC Themes and Perspectives courses, full descriptions for which can be found here:


ENGL 19411-01 Faking It: Reality Hunger in the Age of Artifice, C. Holmes, TuTh 9:25-10:40, CRN 43784
     --Perspective:  HU
     --Theme:  World of Systems



ENGL 19417-02 Earth Works: Literature, Nature, and the Environment, P. Hansom, MWF 3-3:50, CRN 44000
     --Perspective:  HU
     --Themes:  Mind, Body, Spirit OR Quest for a Sustainable Future

ENGL 21900-06 Shakespeare, D. Kramer, TuTh 10:50-12:05, CRN 44268
     --Perspective:  HU
     --Themes:  Identities OR Inquiry, Imagination, and Innovation