The Handwerker Reading Series Presents Creative Writing by Faculty and Students this TUESDAY, Feb. 9


Contributed by Jacob White

The Department of Writing's Handwerker Reading Series invites you to come celebrate creative writing on campus with fiction readings by Asst. Professor Linda Godfrey and sophomore Writing major Khin Chan Myae Maung, to be followed by Stillwater Magazine's open mic reading event, all starting at 6:00pm in the Handwerker Gallery (Gannett Center) on Tuesday, Feb. 9.

Here is a little more about Tuesday's featured writers:

Linda Godfrey’s fiction has appeared in Literal Latte, Red Cedar Review, and Black Warrior Review among others. Her story “The Attica Transcript” was a semi-finalist in this year’s New Millennium fiction competition. She has taught in the Dept. of Writing since 1987 and proclaims to be a recovering Catholic—always one rosary away from bad thoughts, guilt, and a plaid jumper.
Khin Chan Myae Maung is a sophomore Writing major from Yangon, Myanmar. Concentrating in creative writing, her writing reflects the untold narratives of her native country and people. She strives to bring out narratives and stories that often go unheard in the international community.  

Following this reading, Stillwater Magazine will invite any students who wish to share a short piece of writing to do so. If you know ahead of time that you would like to participate in the open mic, please email the Handwerker Reading Series director Jacob White at  

Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Jacob White at or (904) 501-9860. We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.